Health Science - Sports Medicine

The Sports Medicine pathway is designed for students who are interested in athletic training, physical therapy, medicine, fitness, kinesiology, nutrition, and other sports medicine related fields. Students will learn the basic skills and fundamentals of sports medicine, including how to prevent athletic injury and increase athletic performance. Students will study body mechanics, nutritional guidelines for maximizing performance, protective sports equipment, taping and bracing, psychological aspects of competition, and training and conditioning techniques. Professional Learning Experiences will include field work within the healthcare community and with our TPS athletic teams.

Professional Certificate/Industry Recognized Credential:

  • CPR/AED-all students who complete one year (2 semesters) will earn the CPR/AED certificate through the American Red Cross.
  • Certificate: Stop the Bleed 

Recommended Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and/or Chemistry

Sequence of Courses:

Semester 1:

  • Sports Medicine I (5601) 1 credit
  • Care of Athletes (7650) .5 credit

 Semester 2: 

  • Physical Therapy 1 credit 
  • Intro to Healthcare .5 credit 

 Semester 3:

  • Sports Medicine II 1 credit 
  • Healthcare Research A .5 credit 

 Semester 4:

  • Healthcare Workplace Experience 1 credit 
  • Healthcare Research B .5 credit 

 Instructor: Mrs. Tetuan Email: [email protected]

TPS 2023-2024 Program of Studies

TPS 2023-2024 Programa De Estudios

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